Ned Rust Audio Books

Ned Rust is a former boatyard worker, assistant English teacher, assistant maritime investigator, rock critic, rock photographer, organic chemist,biochemist, pollster, co-author (with James Patterson) of New York Times #1 bestsellers, and he generally at least aspires to be an upstanding suburban New York husband and dad. Also, at one point, he had a job walking John Cheever’s dog, Cocoa. Among other places, his writing has appeared in Rolling Stone, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and The Incredible Sestina Anthology. When he’s not busy typing, he enjoys attending track meets, going to ballet recitals, gardening, light carpentry, composting, record shopping, book shopping, record listening, and book reading. He has degrees or at least diplomas from Briarcliff High School, Vassar College and New York University, and has done coursework at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the State University of New York at Albany.

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Extended Sample Daniel X: Watch the Skies by James Patterson
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